Groundwork Music Project After School Ukulele Lessons at Blackshear Elementary School

We have been working with Blackshear elementary since 2015, when the campus first became a fine arts academy, and we look forward to carrying on the tradition in 2025 and beyond! Lessons are a lot of fun, and they are a great way to get started on instrument learning. This program is for all interested students who have had at least a semester of lessons already and for all students eight and older.

Lessons include ukulele play, singing, note reading, and lots of fun songs that kids love to play. We not only have a lots of fun, but this is also a great primer for more advanced opportunities in middle school and beyond. We have seen lots of success stories and we often hear from former students that they were well prepared for band and other endeavors in their latter childhood and teen years. This after school program is also a great way to get the most of out lessons offered during school hours, for those already participating in Mr. Gray's Wednesday and Thursday program.

For those who do not know Mr. Gray, he is both well studied (with Master's level credentials) and well practiced with stage time and teaching time on several instruments. He is a rare talent as both an educator and a performer, capable of helping students advance their skills while having lots of fun along the way.

Look for information on our big Spring Concert on Sunday April 27, as well as monthly play-along events at Cherrywood Coffee House (second Sunday of every month).

3:15-4:15 P.M. starting February 6
This program is for children aged 8 to 12. It is a thirteen week program for beginner students. . We welcome both returning students and new students to this program. Lesson dates are February 6, 13, 20, 27 March 6, 13, 27, April 3, 10, 17, 24, 30 May 8
13 lessons, NO FEE


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